Source code for footballdata.datasets


    This module implements the data structures used to represent the data
    returned from the API.

    :copyright: (c) 2018 Tony Joseph
    :license: BSD 3-Clause

from dateutil.parser import parse as datetime_parse

from .utils import fetch_data_from_api, clean_object

[docs]class FootballDataObject: """Parent class for all football data components""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialises new object with attributes from keyword arguments""" for key in kwargs: if key == 'last_updated' and kwargs[key]: kwargs[key] = datetime_parse(kwargs[key]) setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) # Base API endpoint and API key of current object # Set by subclasses or object creator self.base_endpoint = '' self.api_key = ''
[docs]class Competition(FootballDataObject): """Class to represent a competition""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialises new competition object""" # These values are set by FootballDataObject constructor using values in kwargs = '' self.caption = '' self.current_match_day = '' self.last_updated = '' self.league = '' self.number_of_games = '' self.number_of_teams = '' self.year = '' self.links = {} super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set competition attributes self.fixtures_endpoint = self.links['fixtures']['href'] self.league_table_endpoint = self.links['leagueTable']['href'] self.teams_endpoint = self.links['teams']['href'] self.base_endpoint = self.links['self']['href'] # :TODO: These empty lists should be replaced with empty data set objects self.__teams = [] self.__fixtures = [] self.__league_table = [] def __repr__(self): name = self.caption or 'Unknown' return "Competition <{!r}>".format(name)
[docs] def get_teams(self, force_update=False): """Fetches all teams in a competition :param force_update: Boolean, overrides cached results if True :return: DataSet of Team objects """ if force_update or not self.__teams: self.__teams = DataSet(klass=Team, endpoint=self.teams_endpoint, api_key=self.api_key) return self.__teams
[docs] def get_fixtures(self, force_update=False): """Fetches all fixtures in a competition :param force_update: Boolean, overrides cached results if True :return: DataSet of Fixture objects """ if force_update or not self.__fixtures: self.__fixtures = DataSet(klass=Fixture, endpoint=self.fixtures_endpoint, api_key=self.api_key) return self.__fixtures
[docs] def get_league_table(self, force_update=False): """Fetches standing of all teams in competition :param force_update: Boolean, overrides cached results if True :return: DataSet of Standing objects """ if force_update or not self.__league_table: self.__league_table = DataSet(klass=Standing, endpoint=self.league_table_endpoint, api_key=self.api_key) return self.__league_table
[docs]class Fixture(FootballDataObject): """Class to represent a fixture""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialises new Fixture object""" # These values are set by FootballDataObject constructor using values in kwargs = '' self.away_team_name = '' self.home_team_name = '' self.match_day = '' self.odds = '' self.result = '' self.status = '' super().__init__(**kwargs) # Convert date to datetime object if hasattr(self, 'date'): = datetime_parse( def __repr__(self): home_team = self.home_team_name or 'Unknown' away_team = self.away_team_name or 'Unknown' date = or 'Unknown' return "Fixture <{!r} v {!r} on {!r}>".format(home_team, away_team, date)
[docs]class Team(FootballDataObject): """Class to represent a team""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # These values are set by FootballDataObject constructor using values in kwargs self.code = '' self.crest_url = '' = '' self.short_name = '' self.squad_market_value = '' self.links = {} super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set extra attributes self.fixtures_endpoint = self.links['fixtures']['href'] self.players_endpoint = self.links['players']['href'] self.base_endpoint = self.links['self']['href'] # :TODO: These empty lists should be replaced with empty data set objects self.__fixtures = [] self.__players = [] def __repr__(self): name = or 'Unknown' return "Team <{!r}>".format(name)
[docs] def get_fixtures(self, force_update=False): """Fetches all fixtures for a team :param force_update: Boolean, overrides cached results if True :return: DataSet of Fixture objects """ if force_update or not self.__fixtures: self.__fixtures = DataSet(klass=Fixture, endpoint=self.fixtures_endpoint, api_key=self.api_key) return self.__fixtures
[docs] def get_players(self, force_update=False): """Fetches all players in a team :param force_update: Boolean, overrides cached results if True :return: DataSet of Player objects """ if force_update or not self.__players: self.__players = DataSet(klass=Player, endpoint=self.players_endpoint, api_key=self.api_key) return self.__players
[docs]class Standing(FootballDataObject): """Class to represent a team's standing in a competition""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # These values are set by FootballDataObject constructor using values in kwargs self.team_name = '' self.crest_uri = '' self.played_games = '' self.wins = '' self.draws = '' self.losses = '' self.home = '' self.away = '' self.points = '' self.position = '' self.goals = '' self.goals_against = '' self.goal_difference = '' super().__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): team_name = self.team_name or 'Unknown' return "Standing <{!r}>".format(team_name)
[docs]class Player(FootballDataObject): """Class to represent a player""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialises Player object""" # These values are set by FootballDataObject constructor using values in kwargs = '' self.nationality = '' self.position = '' self.contract_until = '' self.date_of_birth = '' self.jersey_number = '' self.market_value = '' super().__init__(**kwargs) # Convert contract_until and date_of_birth to datetime objects if hasattr(self, 'contract_until') and self.contract_until: self.contract_until = datetime_parse(self.contract_until) if hasattr(self, 'date_of_birth') and self.date_of_birth: self.date_of_birth = datetime_parse(self.date_of_birth) def __repr__(self): name = or 'Unknown' return "Player <{!r}>".format(name)
[docs]class DataSet: """Class to represent a sequence of football data objects""" def __init__(self, klass, endpoint='', api_key='', options=None, data_list=None): """Initialises FootballDataObject sequence :param klass: type, Class of objects in data set. Should be either FootballDataObject or its subclass :param endpoint: str, API endpoint to fetch data :param api_key: str, API key :param options: dict, Additional arguments to sent with API call :param data_list: iterable containing klass objects """ self.__klass = klass self.__endpoint = endpoint self.__api_key = api_key self.__options = options if options else {} # Set data_list as data_set if available if data_list: # Type check all elements in iterable if not all(isinstance(item, klass) for item in data_list): raise TypeError("All items should be an instance of {}".format(klass)) self.__data_set = list(data_list) else: self.__data_set = [] def __repr__(self): return "DataSet <{!r}>".format(self.__klass.__name__) def __create_data_set_item(self, cleaned_data): """Creates a single football data object :param cleaned_data: Dict with proper key value pairs :return: FootballDataObject object """ data_set_item = self.__klass(**cleaned_data) # Build base endpoint if id is available if hasattr(data_set_item, 'id'): data_set_item.base_endpoint = "{}{}".format(self.__endpoint, else: data_set_item.base_endpoint = self.__endpoint data_set_item.api_key = self.__api_key return data_set_item def __load_data_set(self): """Loads data from in not already loaded""" if not self.__data_set and self.__endpoint: data_list = fetch_data_from_api(endpoint=self.__endpoint, api_key=self.__api_key, options=self.__options) if data_list: # Handles inconsistent API structures if self.__klass == Team: # Actual team list is in dict with key teams data_list = data_list['teams'] elif self.__klass == Fixture: # Actual fixture list is in dict with key fixtures data_list = data_list['fixtures'] elif self.__klass == Standing: # Handle differences in league and cup standing if 'standing' in data_list: # Competition is a league data_list = data_list['standing'] else: # No league table available return elif self.__klass == Player: data_list = data_list['players'] cleaned_data_list = map(clean_object, data_list) self.__data_set = list(map(self.__create_data_set_item, cleaned_data_list)) else: # Data list fetching failed due to some reason self.__data_set = [] def __iter__(self): self.__load_data_set() for data in self.__data_set: yield data def __getitem__(self, key): self.__load_data_set() if isinstance(key, int): # If key is an integer, return item at index try: return self.__data_set[key] except IndexError: raise IndexError('Index out of range') elif isinstance(key, slice): return DataSet(klass=self.__klass, data_list=self.__data_set[key]) raise TypeError('Key must be an integer or slice object') def __len__(self): self.__load_data_set() return len(self.__data_set) def __bool__(self): self.__load_data_set() return bool(self.__data_set)